Career Profile: Emma Peters, Stylist

by Jul 13, 2022

What do you love most about your job? 

 I’m a self confessed shop-alcoholic, so being able shop for others & call it work is of course the dream! For me however, what I love most is seeing the transformation & confidence clients gain after they have had a session with me. Helping others find their way & discover their style again is beyond rewarding. 

Have you always wanted to work in this industry? 

I have always loved clothes & fashion & been a source of advice for friends when it comes to shopping. It didn’t however occur to me until later in life (after having children) that this was a career path I really wanted to pursue. 

Do you plan your outfits in advance? 

YES….planning is crucial. As a mum there is no time to try on outfits anymore, so having a curated wardrobe with a number of looks you know work well together, means you don’t have to think when you are short of time & can literally grab & go, with the confidence you look great!  

Which is your favourite season to dress for? 

This is a tricky one….I am definitely a summer person, I love the sun, heat, summer dresses, sandals, sunglasses, hats ( I could go on!), however as soon as summer is coming to an end, I really look forward to cosying up in winter knits & boots. I also have a bad habit & love for winter coats!! 

What advice would you have to someone keen to refresh their wardrobe but not sure where to start? 

I would start by looking at your existing wardrobe. We are far too quick to dismiss & throw away items we haven’t worn for a while & in every wardrobe there are much loved items that get forgotten about. Have a cleanse, send the clothes you have definitely lost love for to second hand charity shops & look at those pieces you still love to see how you can pair them with newer items, or in a different way to create a fresh new look. Once you have done this you will have a clearer picture of what your wardrobe is missing before you charge out to the shops. Accessories are also an amazing way to create, or add a new twist to an old outfit. Statement belts, scarves, different shoes, or a different coat/jacket can give a whole new look to an old outfit.

Who is one of your biggest inspirations – either professionally or personally?  

On a personal level, I would have to say my mum. I didn’t realise how challenging having children would be….I look at my mum & how she raised 4 children alongside running a household & eventually working part time & think ‘WOW, how did you do it all?!’ 

If you could attribute your success to anyone who gave you your big break? 

I wouldn’t say I have had my ‘big break’ yet, I’m still relatively new in setting up my business, so there’s a long way to go, but I wouldn’t have been able to do any of this without the amazing support of my husband & friends who have given me the confidence & self belief to get to where I am. 

What’s the hardest thing about your job? 

Switching off…..I’m forever searching for outfits & ideas for clients on social media & the internet. Whilst I wholeheartedly enjoy doing it & it doesn’t feel like work, sometimes I just need to put my phone down & step away from the shops!!! 

Do you find it easy to balance work and play? 

Having two little girls, I try to make sure that the days they are not in nursery I give them my full attention & we  spend quality time together as much as possible, so that means no work until they are in bed. I’m also very aware that weekends are precious family time & the time I get to spend with my husband too, so again I will avoid work on the weekends, unless absolutely necessary. For me work & play balance is crucial for a happy life. 

Talk us through your dream day – from waking up to going to bed 

My dream day would start by waking up naturally (no alarms & not too early, I love my sleep!) getting ready with a cup of tea (Yorkshire!) & then jumping into the car to head into London.

First I would head to one of my favourite studios (either Karve, Or Heartcore) for a reformer pilates session. Whilst I’m an instructor myself & have a reformer at home, I love not having to think & following someone else’s guidance, plus the studios in London are sooo cool & have such a good energy, it’s one of the main things I miss about not living in London.

Immediately after the class I would head to  Bodyism on Westbourne Grove for breakfast (my favourite meal of the day) they do the BEST acai bowl out there, it’s utterly divine! After a leisurely breakfast I would wander along the shops on Westbourne Grove, where some of my favourite shops are…..Sezane, B&sh, Me & Em, Free People, American Vintage (the list goes on) OR I would nip into town & hit Selfridges.

A leisurely lunch with a girlfriend, followed by a trip to Face Gym for a quick facial before heading back home to Marlow. Whilst I love going out for dinner, I love nothing more than cooking a deliciously wholesome dinner, getting into a tracksuit & retiring to the sofa to watch some trash tv, or a heartwarming box set before an early bed. 

About Emily Eaves

Co Founder and Editor at To Work or Play, Emily has been Freelance Copywriting for over 10 years. She is passionate about food, drink, travel, design and finding ways to keep her two children out of trouble.

With a background in Luxury Restaurant and Hotel PR, Emily moved from London to Dorset in 2019. She now spends weekends at the beach and daydreams about her vegetable garden.
