Q and A with Elizabeta Abdulla: Founder of Demitasse London

by Dec 13, 2022
Photo by crate47

What do you love most about the brand you’ve created? 

I couldn’t choose one single aspect. I am proud of my staff, the customer experience, the visuals of the Demitasse café and the carefully curated menu. 

The overall outcome of my brand is all I dreamed of and more. It’s taken us a lot to get here: trials, tribulations, and a global pandemic, of course.

Have you always wanted to work in this industry?

Yes. I started out in my early twenties. I loved hosting in a café environment and the buzz of happy customers, and I knew this would be the industry I would pursue. With my flair for design and constant pursuit of perfectionism, the two concepts went hand in hand.

What are you most proud of? 

 In a male-dominated field, I am very proud to be a female business owner and to be able to set this example for my eight-year-old daughter who looks up to me. Opening a business is never easy, but I hope Demitasse’s success can show her that with hard work and commitment her dreams are achievable.

What advice would you give to someone keen to start a business but unsure where to begin?

To trust their gut instincts. It is also vital to reach out to other professionals in the industry for guidance and support.

Who is one of your biggest inspirations – either professionally or personally?

My husband. He is one of the most hard-working people I know, working from a base-level position to one of great success today. He is always there to offer unconditional support and a voice of reason when my ambitions get overwhelming.

 If you could attribute your success to anyone who gave you your big break?

 I hate to give him too many compliments- but again, this goes to my husband.

What’s the hardest thing about your job?

Creating my team. When you’ve poured your heart into every detail of your company, the people that represent it mean a lot. I wanted staff that cared about my business as if it was their own and believed in my vision of high standards in everything we do.

Which part of your job do you most enjoy?

Meeting new people. Every new face that comes through our doors is an opportunity to establish our position within the Wimbledon Village community. It is this blessing that gives me the energy to wake up in the mornings (that and our coffee of course!).

Do you find it easy to balance work and play?

No, it’s very challenging. Balancing my commitment to my business alongside being a good mother, wife and friend is hard. But I wouldn’t change it for the world.

About Emily Eaves

Co Founder and Editor at To Work or Play, Emily has been Freelance Copywriting for over 10 years. She is passionate about food, drink, travel, design and finding ways to keep her two children out of trouble.

With a background in Luxury Restaurant and Hotel PR, Emily moved from London to Dorset in 2019. She now spends weekends at the beach and daydreams about her vegetable garden.
